Examples - part 2

Reviewing for Capital Gains tax planning opportunities

Planning the appropriate date for disposals can save CGT. Also in some cases cash can be taken as capital instead of income thereby, reducing tax payable.

Considering whether Inheritance Tax planning is required

This is an area which many people do not like talking about however, in a lot of cases, it is extremely important to have an IHT plan otherwise on death, unnecessary taxes may be payable to HMRC.

Considering Pension Tax planning

We can advise on the tax savings by making pension contributions. We also have a long-standing partnership with a firm of independent financial advisors who provide our clients with pensions and related personal financial planning advice.

The bottom line is that tax planning is essential for businesses and we feel we have an advantage over many of our competitors since they do not devote sufficient resources to the provision of such advice while we consider it is essential.

What some of our clients say...

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